Quaker Mobility and the Threat to English America
Bunche Hall, Rm 6272Lecture by Carla Pestana of UCLA Department of History. The early Quaker movement took the world by storm beginning in the 1650s, with “witnesses to the truth” traveling widely to spread their message. In response, nervous authorities used various mechanism to contain the threat they were seen to pose. Major themes in early American and...
Drumming Away Demons
Royce Hall, Rm 314The inhabitants of the ancient biblical world—including many ancient Israelites—viewed their cosmos as the home of many unseen forces: for example, powerful gods and their entourages, but also malevolent demons. This talk explores the possibility that beating upon drums may have been one means by which the ancients warded off these demonic agents. We will...
Jewish Childhood in Ottoman and Hashemite Iraq
James West Alumni Center Conference CenterThe talk follows the lives of children and young adults in the modern cities of Iraq, as well as in towns and in villages. I will explore the schools, libraries, cafes, and streets in which children interacted with other children, and present the different kinds of childhood Jewish children experienced based on their class, gender...
Is Freemasonry a Religion or a Pioneering Interfaith Society?
Bunche Hall 6275 11282 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesThe relationship between Freemasonry and religion is quite a complex one. Some might think Freemasonry is a religion or at least a sect. For others it is an association that has nothing to do with religion, qualifying it as a charity club when it is not a political think-tank. If Freemasonry is not already a...
The Joshua Generation: How David Ben-Gurion and his Political Successors Read the Biblical Book of Conquest
Royce Hall, Rm 306In the name of enshrining the Bible as the central text in Israeli life, Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion convened a study group at his residence dedicated to interpreting the book of Joshua. The study group participants asserted that the true meaning of the Bible could only be unlocked by Jews living in their ancient homeland....
From the Arc of Ascent to the Arc of Descent: Writings of Baha’u’lla, the Founder of Baha’i Faith
Humanities Bldg, Rm 365Baha'u'llah the founder of the Baha'i Faith has written a multitude of letters and books. Written during 40 years of his ministry (1852-1892), these writings can be divided into three distinct stages, each emphasizing a certain mystical and social principle. In this talk the chronological and logical order of these stages will be explored. Seminar...