Graduate Conference on Religion: Imagining Life After Death: Past, Present, and Future
See for more information! Event Flyer Please RSVP for Event
Multi-Faith Forum
Humanities Bldg, Rm 365The Multi-Faith Forum was established in 2014 in order to address the needs of students who want to engage topics related to faith, religion, religious identity and spirituality, and who are interested in learning about religious traditions outside the classroom setting. Lunch will be provided!
African Sources of Knowledge in Ajami Script: The Case of the Muridiyya
Humanities Bldg, Rm 365Although written records are rarely regarded as part of sub-Saharan Africa’s intellectual heritage, important bodies of Ajami literature (records of African languages written in Arabic script) have existed in Africa for centuries. In South Africa, Muslim Malay slaves produced the first written record of Afrikaans in Ajami. The neglect of African Ajami traditions is due...
Heart & Sole
Humanities Bldg, Rm 348 348 Humanities Bldg, Los Angeles , CA, United StatesThe Center for the Study of Religion invites students to participate in Heart & Sole, an innovative workshop designed to educate students about religious diversity, help them explore their own beliefs and values, and teach the skills needed to engage in inter-religious dialogue with their peers on campus. Join us in our effort to make...
Trialogue: Help or Hindrance? The Role of Religion in Hearing the Voices of Women
Royce 306This panel discussion is open to members of the UCLA and Los Angeles communities who are interested in exploring a key issue of concern in contemporary religious and cultural studies. The forum also is the culmination of the upper-division seminar course Religion 120. The course is designed to introduce students from a broad spectrum of...
2018-19 Calendar of Events
For downloadable calendar please see: 2018.19 Calendar of CSR Events
Guiding Presences and the Emergence of New Spiritual Paths
Kaplan Hall 348Novelists sometimes experience their characters as coming to life and guiding their writing process, but the characters remain imaginary. Founders of new religious and spiritual movements paths often go beyond this to become convinced that real divine Presences are actively guiding the emergence of their new spiritual paths. Historical sources indicate that Joseph Smith, Carl...
Jesus in Retrospect: From Sin to Perfection
How is it that Jesus came to be viewed by the earliest Christians as "sinless," and what did this mean for them? In this presentation I will explore the process by which early Christianity claimed that Jesus was a perfectly sinless human being, setting the stage for his apotheosis as God. As we will see,...
The Public’s Views of the Relationship Between Religion and Science – and the Resulting Disconnect With Social Sciences and the Humanities
In this talk I examine recent sociological research on the relationship between religion and science for the public. This research suggests that while religion may have at one time been concerned with fact claims in the natural world that could be contradicted by science, it largely is no longer. This post-1960s development has coincided with...
Korea Before Nationalism: Judging and Misjudging, the 1801 Silk Letter of Hwang Sayŏng
Royce 243Sponsored by: Center for Korean Studies Co-Sponsored by: Center for Study of Religion, Center for Buddhist Studies In 1801, in the midst of a bloody anti-Catholic persecution, one of the persecuted Catholics, Hwang Sayŏng, tried to send a letter to the bishop in Beijing requesting European military intervention to force Chosŏn to stop killing...