
  • Ph.D., English, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • M.A., English, University of Oslo, Norway
  • B.A., English and History of Ideas, University of Oslo, Norway


  • DeLiema, David J. and Francis F. Steen (forthcoming, 2013). “Thinking With the Body: Conceptual Integration Through Gesture in Multiviewpoint Model Construction”. Language and the Creative Mind. Edited by Michael Borkent, Barbara Dancygier, and Jennifer Hinnell. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
  • Steen, Francis F. and Mark Turner (forthcoming, 2013). “Multimodal Construction Grammar”. Language and the Creative Mind. Edited by Michael Borkent, Barbara Dancygier, and Jennifer Hinnell. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. Supporting materials.
  • Steen, Francis F., Patricia M. Greenfield, Mari-Sian Davies, and Brendesha Tynes (2006). “What Went Wrong with The Sims Online: Cultural Learning and Barriers to Identification in a MMOG.” In Peter Vorderer and Bryant Jennings (eds.). Playing Video Games – Motives, Responses, and Consequences. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 307-323.
  • Steen, Francis F. (2005). “The Paradox of Narrative Thinking.” Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology 3. 1: 87-105.
  • Steen, Francis F.  and Stephanie Owens (2001). “Evolution’s Pedagogy: An Adaptationist Model of Pretense and Entertainment.”  Journal of Cognition and Culture 1. 4: 289-321.
  • Steen, Francis F. (1998). “‘The Time of Unrememberable Being’: Wordsworth’s Autobiography of the Imagination.” Auto/Biography Studies, special issue on autobiography and neuroscience, 13.1: 7-38.