Preservation and Innovation: The Tracks of the Master Scribe
Sara Milstein is Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible and Near Eastern Studies in the Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia. She published Tracking the Master Scribe: Revision through Introduction in Biblical and Mesopotamian Literature (Oxford UP, 2016), and in 2010, she co-authored with Daniel Fleming The Buried Foundation of...
Heart & Sole
Humanities Bldg, Rm 348 348 Humanities Bldg, Los Angeles , CA, United StatesThe Center for the Study of Religion invites students to participate in Heart & Sole, an innovative workshop designed to educate students about religious diversity, help them explore their own beliefs and values, and teach the skills needed to engage in inter-religious dialogue with their peers on campus. Join us in our effort to make Heart...
Multi-Faith Forum: Practicing Pluralism in a Religiously Complex World
Humanities Bldg, Rm 365The Multi-Faith Forum is back! Please join us for reflection and discussion on Wednesday January 31st 4:00PM-5:30PM. Come for the cookies and stay for the conversation! The Multi-Faith Forum was established in 2014 in order to address the needs of students who want to engage topics related to faith, religion, religious identity and spirituality, and...
Satan in the Bible, God’s Minister of Justice
118 Haines HallThroughout the ages, Satan has been seen as God’s implacable enemy, fiercely determined to keep as many human beings as he can from entering the heavenly kingdom. But according to Henry Ansgar Kelly, this understanding dates only from post-biblical times, when Satan was reconceived as Lucifer, a rebel angel, and as the serpent in the...
Lunch & Learn
Humanities Bldg, Rm 365Open to students of RELIGN M50: Join Professor Bakhos for a reading and discussion of Biblical passages of your choosing over lunch. PLEASE RSVP BELOW:
Jewish Reactions to the Prophet Muhammad
Humanities Bldg, Rm 365When Muhammad began his mission in Arabia in the early 7th century, he preached his new revelation not only to the pagan Arabs among whom he was raised but also to the Jewish (and Christian) community among whom he came to live. How did the Jews of Muhammad’s day react? What did they think of...
Did Adam Fall, Stumble, or Stub his Toe in the Garden of Eden? A New Look at an Ancient Story
Ziony Zevit is Distinguished Professor of Biblical Literature and Northwest Semitic Languages at the American Jewish University since 1974. Prior to joining AJU, Dr. Zevit taught at the University of Haifa, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and UC Berkeley. He has held visiting professorships at Univ. of Pennsylvania, UCLA, USC,...
Heart & Sole 2nd Workshop
Humanities Bldg, Rm 348 348 Humanities Bldg, Los Angeles , CA, United StatesThe Center for the Study of Religion invites students to participate in Heart & Sole, an innovative workshop designed to educate students about religious diversity, help them explore their own beliefs and values, and teach the skills needed to engage in inter-religious dialogue with their peers on campus. Join us in our effort to make Heart...
Unveiling Judeo-Spanish Texts: A Hebrew Aljamiado Workshop & Lecture
Royce 306The Hebrew Aljamiado Research Group of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies are offering a workshop in learning to read 14th-16th century Judeo-Spanish texts written using the Hebrew alphabet: Hebrew “aljamiado” writing. Attendees will also learn about the cultural context of Hebrew aljamiado writing in the Iberian...
Creating Gods Through Narratives: The Ontology of Greek Mythic Characters
Royce 306This paper will open with an overview of recent work by narratologists and analytical philosophers on the ontology of fictional characters. From there it proceeds to arguments about the ontological status of characters who appear in fictionalizing narratives such as the Odyssey or the Ramayana who are simultaneously the objects of religious belief. I suggest...