Study of Religion Departmental Honors
The Departmental Honors Program in the Study of Religion provides undergraduates in the major an opportunity to engage in independent academic research. The goal of this program is to prepare students for graduate study or other types of research, either in the Study of Religion or in another field or discipline.
To be admitted to the Study of Religion Departmental Honors Program:
- Complete at least 3 upper-division courses at UCLA toward the Study of Religion major
- Have a major GPA of 3.5 (or higher) and an overall GPA of 3.5 (or higher)
- Identify a member of the UCLA faculty who is willing to advise your thesis project
- Contact Isamara Ramirez, Study of Religion, Student Affairs Officer, 378 Kaplan Hall, and request the “Study of Religion Honors Thesis Application” form
- The application form must be signed by both your Thesis Adviser and the Faculty Adviser of the major
- The form asks for a provisional title and paragraph-long description of your project
- Forms must be completed, signed, and approved by the end of week 7 of the quarter before you begin the 2-quarter thesis project (see below)
NOTE: You do NOT have to be in College Honors to participate in this program
To earn Departmental Honors upon graduation a student must:
- Maintain a major GPA of 3.5 (or higher) and an overall GPA of 3.5 (or higher)
- Complete the following 3-quarter sequence during which you will produce either an honors thesis or other type of honors project (e.g., artistic performance): Quarter 1: Enroll in a 4-unit Religion 199 course with your Thesis Adviser
Quarter 2: Enroll in a 4-unit Religion 199 course with your Thesis Adviser
Quarter 3: Enroll in a 4-unit Religion 199 course with your Thesis Adviser
*All three 199 courses must be taken for a letter-grade - You must complete the thesis project and have it formally approved by your Thesis Adviser and the Study of Religion IDP by the end of the second quarter (see below for instructions on the approval process)
- The thesis must be at least 40 pages of academic prose; shorter theses or those of substantially greater length require the special permission of the Faculty Adviser of the Study of Religion IDP
- Approval Process: The thesis must be formally approved by both the Thesis Adviser and the Faculty Adviser of the Study of Religion IDP. The thesis must be presented in signed and bound form to the Student Affairs Officer in 351 Humanities. The signing page (available from the Undergraduate Counselor) must be included in the official bound copy immediately after the title page. This official copy of your thesis will remain the property of UCLA’s Study of Religion IDP. You are strongly encouraged to keep a second bound and signed copy for your own records
- Due Date & Graduation: The Departmental Honors Thesis is due May 31st. If you would like the departmental honors notation to be in the spring graduation program, you will need confirmation (from your adviser to the program chair) that you will finish your thesis by May 31st. The departmental honors notation will be on your transcript after you submit your dissertation
Some helpful hints:
- GOALS: This departmental honors program is intended to prepare students for graduate study; it provides an excellent opportunity to receive exposure to academic research as an undergrad
- CHOOSING AN ADVISOR: It is strongly recommended (but not required) that you choose a Thesis Adviser with whom you have already taken a regular course; this will help you determine whether you can effectively work with this faculty member and whether his/her field reflects your interests and skills (research methods, languages, etc.)
- COURSE CREDIT: The three 4-unit 199 courses MAY be used as elective credit or group-distribution credit toward major requirements (by approval of the Faculty Adviser)
- GRADING OPTIONS: All 199 courses MUST be taken for a letter grade